ClitLogic celebrates a Woman’s amazing anatomy during a transformative time in their life – perimenopause and menopause.
We are three female doctors who focus on women, the functioning of the clitoris and how it can help relieve menopausal symptoms, specifically hot flashes and night sweats.
The Clitoris is primarily known for its role in pleasure and is just being recognized for its full potential. ClitLogic is the first brand that engages the clitoris to help relieve hot flashes and night sweats.
The lack of open discussion on women’s anatomy due to societal taboos has hindered the understanding of menopause. We want to elevate and facilitate this dialogue among women.

Our Story
When Miriam (Sex Therapist) and Nyiri (Psychotherapist) meet each weekday on the school carpool line, the mysteries of life are bound to be discussed. They mused on the nature of relationships, theories of psychoanalysis, women's rights, attachment parenting, politics, food, and social order.
One 98-degree day in August, with carpool in repose, they agreed to meet at the town pool. Miriam arrived first and settled her twins by the pool, herself in the shade. She was once again rattled by the lack of air to breathe. Also suffocated by the plastic strapped lounge chair, she slipped towards the hot, damp ground.
For a woman in menopause, this was too hard to endure.
Begging her child for a plastic cup of ice water from the snack bar, she waited as the mere seconds, and her hot flashes kept in time until its delivery. As Miriam glanced about, looking for Nyiri, she placed the cup between her legs in order to slather her pale children's faces with sunscreen. Something interesting happened next.
She realized in an unforgettable moment that the hot flash receded almost instantaneously. Reaching down to make a note of the position of the cool cup, she grabbed her ever-present notepad.
Could it be that given the vast nerve endings in the clitoris, a rapid conduction of cool sensation might be reaching her brain in an important way?
If a broken thermostat in the brain contributes to hot flashing, could the very 'real spot' that brings women the most pleasure bring them relief?
She looked up from her writing as Nyiri arrived, chanting, "I am melting"?
Miriam said, sit down; try this.
A day and uncountable hours of brain labor later, ClitLogic was born.
Their task lay before them: how to deliver this discovery into a product for flashing women. Nyiri said we must consider how to make the conversation about the clitoris palatable.
Miriam sketched her first drawing of a delivery system: a small pad filled with a cooling substance to be worn inside underwear. The visual of a heart came to her mind as she thought of the shape of the clitoris and how blood flows in the body. They agreed the pad would need to be in contact with the upper vulva and clitoris but not the urethra. An upside-down heart would work! The ability to keep the cooling pad in place was important, so it would need a sticky side.
They began experimenting with different designs and cooling options and wanted women to try it. This was easier than they anticipated since many of their friends were peri-menopausal, and everyone was eager for relief.
One day on an assignment to interview Dr. Dweck, the author of the new book V is for Vagina, for her column on Bedtime Network, Miriam said to Nyiri, "Come with me; let's see if we might ask her about our mission." Dr. Dweck was more than just a regular OBGYN! She was an astute scientist with much knowledge of women's health.
They met in a coffee shop. Her enthusiasm was authentic, motivating, and a lightning rod. Within moments, they were off to the pharmacy to look at supplies. They found themselves on the pavement, cutting up mini pad prototypes and jumping for joy in the parking lot laboratory.
Several patents and prototypes later, we have launched ClitLogic to achieve ClitFame to benefit women everywhere.